Relying On Pain Medication For Relief? A Skilled PT Could Help
It’s no secret that pain has an adverse effect on one’s quality of life. Many people make the mistake of relying on medication to alleviate their...
How Taking Care of Your Ankles and Feet Helps Your Balance
Do you notice your injured ankle or foot is affecting your balance? Is persistent pain from your sprained ankle or a bunion throwing off your...
Reduce Your Risk of Falling with Physical Therapy
Have you noticed you feel dizziness or unsteadiness walking (or standing) and worry you may fall at any time? Have you suffered from a fall...
Standing On Two Feet: Balance Training Progression Exercises
Have you noticed that since injuring your ankle or foot, your balance seems off? Are you looking for exercises to help your balance and improve...
True Pain Relief Without Drugs Can Be Found Through Physical Therapy
You know how limiting pain can be if you live with it. Chronic pain, defined as pain that lasts three months or longer, usually indicates the...
5 Reasons You Need To Stretch More Often
Stretching is an important element of physical therapy. In fact, targeted stretches are incorporated into practically every physical therapy...
You Don’t Need Drugs For Arthritis Relief
Are you living with arthritis? Do you think you may be experiencing symptoms of early onset arthritis? Do your joints feel painful, achy, or...
Why Am I Dizzy (And Will It Go Away on Its Own)?
Do you find yourself getting dizzy doing everyday tasks, such as getting out of bed or walking down the driveway to get the mail? Have you...
Living with Painful Joints? PT Can Help in These 4 Ways
Arthritis is a common joint pain problem that can affect people of all ages. While there is no cure for painful joints like arthritis, with...
Is Chronic Pain and Inflammation Controlling Your Life? Your Diet Could Be To Blame
If you live with chronic pain and inflammation that plagues you on a daily basis, know that you are not alone. What you might not realize is that...