Aahad Saroya
Physical Therapy Can Help You Get Back Into Balance
Do you frequently notice an imbalance, dizziness, or unsteadiness that makes you feel as if you may fall over at any given time? Have you suffered from a fall in the past? Are you worried that you...
Putting An End to Your Hip and Knee Pain Naturally
To aid in complex movement, the hips and knees have a multitude of tendons, muscles, and joints linked together. It can be tough to perform daily tasks if you have an injury (and consequent...
Five Simple Tips for Improving Your Balance
Avoid Falls and Stay on Your Feet–With a Little Help from Physical Therapy Are you worried about falling and injuring yourself? Does limited mobility due to arthritis or another condition make you...
Stretch Your Way to a Pain-Free Life: Essential Exercises for Neck Pain Relief
Are you tired of dealing with nagging neck pain? Whether caused by poor posture, muscle strain, or underlying medical conditions, exercise and Foundation Therapy’s physical therapy can help you find...
How to Prevent Shoulder Injuries with Physical Therapy
Shoulder injuries can be both painful and limiting, but understanding how to prevent shoulder injuries can significantly reduce your risk. Every year, shoulder injuries account for approximately 4.5...
Core Strength Made Simple: Expert Physical Therapy Tips
Core Strength Made Simple: Expert Physical Therapy Tips Is back pain making standing tall more difficult? Have you noticed you don’t feel as balanced as you once used to? What’s the connection?...
5 Way To Know You Need PT!
Have you ever heard of physical therapy? If you’re in need of it, there are tons of ways your body may be trying to tell you! Physical therapy isn’t just for rehabilitation or athletes in training....
Do You Have Back Surgery On The Calendar? Try PT First
Back pain is one of the most disabling disorders. Back discomfort, which can range from a mild ache to agonizing, can prevent you from performing ordinary daily things that you used to love. While...
Staying Strong After 60: How PT Tackles Common Health Hurdles
Today, we are going to talk about something very important: how physical therapy can help people over 60 years old. Meet James, a spirited 65-year-old who loved his morning walks in the park,...